The CNIL trains teachers in the protection

The CNIL trains teachers in the protection of personal data

September 11, 2017

The use of digital technology is developing in the classroom and raises strong challenges in terms of the protection of personal data. CNIL teams travel to raise awareness and support teachers in their digital practices. 
Many schools use online education services that do not fall within the secure regulatory framework set by the Ministry of National Education. For example, teachers can use web applications whose resources are hosted on remote servers and do not have the necessary guarantees for the protection of students' personal data. These uses are expanding rapidly, in the context of the rise of the digital school and the use of mobile individual equipment.
As a result, teachers in the first and second levels are questioning their practices and expecting advice. The CNIL offers to meet them in order to make them aware of the legal framework of the protection of personal data and to accompany them in their practices. A satisfaction questionnaire is sent to participants at the end of each training session. These exchange times allow us to trace practical cases and to better identify the needs of teachers.

To organize a training session in your academy

Training courses have already taken place in 2016 and 2017. If you wish to organize a training session for the protection of personal data in your academy, you can contact the CNIL .


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