
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2017

FACEBOOK sanctioned for several breaches of the French Data Protection Act

FACEBOOK sanctioned for several breaches of the French Data Protection Act 16 May 2017 The Restricted Committee of the CNIL imposed a sanction of 150,000 € against FACEBOOK INC and FACEBOOK IRELAND. Following FACEBOOK statement regarding the amendment of its privacy policy in 2015, the CNIL performed on site and online inspections, as well as a documentary audit, in order to verify that FACEBOOK was acting in compliance with the French Data Protection Act. These actions are part of a European approach which involves five data protection authorities having also decided to carry out investigations (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Hamburg) on FACEBOOK. The investigations conducted by the CNIL have revealed several failures. In particular it has been observed that FACEBOOK proceeded to a massive compilation of personal data of Internet users in order to display targeted advertising. It has also been noticed that FACEBOOK collected data on browsing act...

Common Statement by the Contact Group of the Data .!

Common Statement by the Contact Group of the Data Protection Authorities of The Netherlands, France, Spain, Hamburg and Belgium Results of national procedures In France the Restricted Committee of the CNIL has decided to pronounce a public sanction of 150,000 euros against Facebook Inc. and Facebook Ireland Limited. The Restricted Committee finds that the Facebook group does not have a legal basis to combine of all the information it has on account holders to display targeted advertising. It also finds that the Facebook group engages in unlawful tracking, via the datr cookie, of internet users. The cookie banner and the mention of information collected "on and outside Facebook” do not allow users to clearly understand that their personal data are systematically collected as soon as they navigate on a third-party website that includes a social plug in. In Belgium the Belgian Privacy Commission today issues new recommendations to the Facebook Group  ab...

The CNIL trains teachers in the protection

The CNIL trains teachers in the protection of personal data September 11, 2017 The use of digital technology is developing in the classroom and raises strong challenges in terms of the protection of personal data.  CNIL teams travel to raise awareness and support teachers in their digital practices.  Many schools use online education services that do not fall within the secure regulatory framework set by the Ministry of National Education.  For example, teachers can use web applications whose resources are hosted on remote servers and do not have the necessary guarantees for the protection of students' personal data.  These uses are expanding rapidly, in the context of the rise of the digital school and the use of mobile individual equipment. As a result, teachers in the first and second levels are questioning their practices and expecting advice.  The CNIL offers to meet them in order to make them aware of the legal framework of the protection of personal data ...

Gama media vs. Gama alta

A finales de 2016 tuve la oportunidad de hacerme con un teléfono de gama alta, desde entonces he tenido 6 teléfonos más y el único denominador común entre ellos es que todos pertenecen a la gama alta. La verdad es que el cambio fue sustancial ya que venía de un gama media de bq que, aunque me da pena reconocerlo pues se trata de una marca española, me había dado varios problemas. Digo que fue sustancial porque dejé de tener problemas y además la fotografía y el rendimiento subieron de una manera espectacular. Esto hizo que desde enero cada móvil que tuve fuera de esa gama. Pero siempre tenía el gusanillo de bajarme a la gama media, de hecho lo hice con un Galaxy A5 2017 pero no me convenció y tras un mes volví a la gama alta con un Xiaomi Mi Note 2. Ese Xiaomi es el terminal que más he mantenido durante este año y es que durante el tiempo que lo tuve no hubo ningún terminal que llamase mi atención. Hasta que llegó el Mi A1, un terminal que viene para resolver la batalla que...